Build an Optimal Stock Portfolio

We use state of the art big data and artificial intelligence algorithms to process billions of data points. This helps us predict individual stock returns. These forecasts are then used to create your optimal portfolio with the highest risk-adjusted return.


We forecast all US-listed companies stock prices.

We then give you the tools to pick up the companies you want to invest in and to build your optimal portfolio. We use the most advanced mathematical models to minimize your portfolio volatily while maximizing its return.

Company data base

We gather billions of company data points.

Artificial intelligence

We use state-of-the art machine learning algorithms to detects non-linear correlations across data and train our artificial intelligence algorithm.


We built the most-advanced infrastructure to make it possible to forecast all US-listed companies stock prices, every day.


Our dashboards give you the tools you need to select the stock you want to follow, with the help of our recommendations.

Portfolio optimization

We use cutting edge mathematical optimization tools to build your optimal portfolio. The minimization of its volatility and the maximization of its return yields the highest possible sharp ratio.

Portfolio performance

Build hundreds of portfolio and track their performances.

Solution overview

We have built the last tool you will need to grow your capital.

Get the most advanced mathematical tools to optimize your portfolio

Every day, we forecast the stock prices of all US-listed stocks, 90 days ahead. By creating and optimizing your stock portfolio, you maximize your expected returns and minimize your risks.

Optimize your portfolio

Let the algorithm find the optimal weights to invest in each of the stocks in your portfolio. It will maximize its risk-adjusted return.


Track its performances

Follow the performance of your portfolio and each of its components.


Choose the pricing plan that meets your needs

From stock price forecasting to portfolio optimization, we have built the last tool you will ever need to grow your capital.

Predict monthly


Per Month
  • 4000+ Daily forecasts

  • Company fundamentals

  • Follow list

  • Industry leaderboard

  • Portfolio optimization

  • Billed monthly

  • Cancel anytime
Optimize monthly


Per month
  • 4000+ Daily forecasts

  • Company fundamentals

  • Follow list

  • Industry leaderboard

  • Portfolio optimization

  • Billed monthly

  • Cancel anytime
Optimize Yearly


Per Year
  • 4000+ Daily forecasts

  • Company fundamentals

  • Follow list

  • Industry leaderboard

  • Portfolio optimization

  • Billed yearly

  • Cancel anytime

Frequently Asked Questions

We have gathered for you the answers to the most frequently asked questions.


What data do you use to predict the stock prices?

We use company fundamentals, its stock price, other stock market metrics, the history of the companies's corporate events and other proprietary data. Our competitive advantage doesn't lie only in the data we use, but also in the unique way we train our artificial intelligence algorithms.


Which portfolio optimization technique do you use?

We use the Harry Markowitz's approach. After back-testing it over many different setups, it proved to achieve substantially superior risk-adjusted returns.


What performance is your algorithm achieving?

Depending on your risk profile, you can achieve between 30% and 80% of annual return. The annualized sharp ratios produced by our robust method range between 1.5 and 2.5.


Which companies' stock prices do you forecast?

At the moment, we forecast stock prices for all the companies listed in the US. The reason for this limitation is that each country involves a lot of development effots. Therefor, we decided to focus our investment in the largest market.


How often can I run portfolio optimization?

There is no limitation in the number of optimizations your can currently run.


Will I be charged after the free trial?

You will be charged at the end of the trial period only if you decide to continue your subscription. If you decide not to continue your subscription, you can cancel it, free of charge. A user can only benefit from one free trial period.

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